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 METALLICA - Live in Philadelphia (2009 - 2cds)

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Mensajes : 94
Puntos : 271
Fecha de inscripción : 29/12/2009

METALLICA - Live in Philadelphia (2009 - 2cds) Empty
MensajeTema: METALLICA - Live in Philadelphia (2009 - 2cds)   METALLICA - Live in Philadelphia (2009 - 2cds) EmptyJue Dic 31, 2009 12:59 am

Track List


1. That Was Just Your Life
2. The End Of The Line
3. Creeping Death
4. Ride The Lightning
5. One
6. Broken, Beat And Scarred
7. Cyanide
8. Sad But True
9. The Unforgiven
10.All Nightmare Long
11.Kirk Solo


1. The Day That Never Comes
2. Master Of Puppets
3. Blackened
4. Kirk Solo
5. Nothing Else Matters
6. Enter Sandman
7. Last Caress
8. Whiplash
9. Seek & Destroy
10.Hi Guy (Bonus)
11.Neinteen (Bonus)
12.Black Squirrel (Bonus)

(187697 KB)

(179 Mb)

METALLICA - Live in Philadelphia (2009 - 2cds) 7d8cf7fc97
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METALLICA - Live in Philadelphia (2009 - 2cds)
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